Education and Training

Training helps farmers to incorporate modern methods of farming into practice and enhances their knowledge about scientific procedures and latest tools. It not only increases efficiency but also promotes the following:

  • Minimizes damage to the environment
  • Reduces food contamination
  • Limits the use of water and chemicals for crop production
  • Increases profit

Women Empowerment and livelihood:

As a part of our Integrated Farm Management policy, we intend to train women who work in homes as well as in farms. Women involved in Animal Husbandry or Horticulture cultivation will also be brought under the purview of the program. This is anticipated to improve their role in the all-round development of families and farm productivity.

Further, we have also joined American India Foundation to provide sustainable livelihoods through multi-skills training & entrepreneurship development. The objective is to equip women with skills and provide various livelihood opportunities, enhance income through employment and entrepreneurship, create a sustainable model of multi-skilling center and provide farmer families with an alternative source of income by skilling the youth of their families to be job ready.